Sunday, April 21, 2013

What is the difference between nomount,mount and open database in Oracle?

The differences in the 3 startup stages for oracle db are as below.
NoMount Stage:
When DB is in the nomount stage, oracle first opens and reads the initialization parameter file "init.ora" for the DB configuration which includes various parameters required for initialization. Based on the parameters, the memory areas in database instance are allocated and db background processes are started. The instance then starts.
Mount Stage:
When DB is in this stage, it opens and reads the control file which contains the physical structure of db  like the database datafiles etc.. It determines the location of the datafiles and the database is ready to be opened.
Open Stage
When DB is in this stage, it opens the database, it tries to access all of the datafiles associated with the database. Once it has accessed the database datafiles, it makes sure that all of the database datafiles are consistent.

After that DB is into normal operations state.

Nomount – The database instance has been started (processes and memory structures have been allocated, but control file is not yet accessed).
Mount – Instance has accessed the control file, but has not yet validated its entry or accessed the datafiles.
Open – Instance has validated the entries in the control files and is accessing the datafiles – it is now open for business.
The startup process is Nomount -> Mount -> Open.