Thursday, May 16, 2013

Oracle - Sql Developer - Installation

Windows Systems with JDK1.6.11 or Later

To install and start SQL Developer on a Windows system on which the Java J2SE JDK 1.6.11 or later (but do not use 1.7.n) is installed, follow these steps:

1. Unzip the SQL Developer kit into a folder (directory) of your choice (for example, C:\Program Files). This folder will be referred to as <sqldeveloper_install>.

Unzipping the SQL Developer kit causes a folder named sqldeveloper to be
created under the <sqldeveloper_install> folder (for example, C:\Program
Files\sqldeveloper). It also causes many files and folders to be placed in and
under that directory.

2. To start SQL Developer, go to <sqldeveloper_install>\sqldeveloper, and
double-click sqldeveloper.exe.

If you are asked to enter the full pathname for java.exe, click Browse and find java.exe. For example, the path might have a name similar to C:\Program

After SQL Developer starts, you can connect to any database by right-clicking the Connections node in the Connections Navigator and selecting New Connection. Alternatively, if you have any exported connections (see Section 1.4 or Section 1.10), you can import these connections and use them.

You can learn about SQL Developer by clicking Help, then Table of Contents, and reading the help topics under SQL Developer Concepts and Usage.

Linux and Mac OS X Systems, and Windows Systems without JDK 1.6.11 or Later

SQL Developer requires that the Java JDK 1.6.0_11 or later (but not 1.7.n) be installed on the system, or that you install a SQL Developer for Windows kit that includes a JDK. If you need to install a JDK, go to

NOTE: On Macintosh systems, a native Macintosh application in the
form sqldeveloperxxx.tar.gz is provided. When it is expanded, it
appears as a Macintosh application that can be put into the
applications folder. If you choose to expand this file, it will replace
any older sqldeveloper applications in that folder.


To install and start SQL Developer, follow these steps:

1. Unzip the SQL Developer kit into a directory (folder) of your choice. This
directory location will be referred to as <sqldeveloper_install>.

Unzipping the SQL Developer kit causes a directory named sqldeveloper to be
created under the <sqldeveloper_install> directory. It also causes many files and
folders to be placed in and under that directory.

2. To start SQL Developer, go to the sqldeveloper directory under the
<sqldeveloper_install> directory, and do one of the following, as appropriate
for your operating system:

On Linux and Mac OS X systems, run sh

On Windows systems, double-click sqldeveloper.exe.

After SQL Developer starts, you can connect to any database by right-clicking the Connections node in the Connections Navigator and selecting New Connection.

You can learn about SQL Developer by clicking Help, then Table of Contents, and reading the help topics under SQL Developer Concepts and Usage.

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